The Best Shoes for 2019 Sartorial Talks Episode 29

The Best Shoes for 2019 Sartorial Talks Episode 29


It is our pleasure to inform you that Episode 29 of Sartorial Talks is now online on the Sartorial Talks YouTube channel.

This episode is the first of two parts, with Part I revealing our selection of 16 men's shoe brands for 2019 (priced between $190 and $600).

Before you watch this episode, I would like to clarify a few things :

  • This list of shoemakers is the first part of our selection for 2019. The second part will be released in about 10 days.
  • This list is shorter than our famous "PG shoe review" which looked at close to 60 brands. As you can understand, it's impossible to examine 60 brands in a video format. This is the why we had to reduce the selection to 30 brands in total.
  • It does not mean that shoemakers featured in our 2016 selection (and not in Sartorial Talks) have all dropped in quality and do not deserve to be featured anymore. In fact 90% of the 2016 list is still valid (see the link at the bottom of this article). In this episode, we have selected, among all theses great shoemakers, the brands which constitute a subjective choice of some of our favorites (especially when speaking about design and patterns).
  • Yes, Carmina shoemakers is included in the list. For a mysterious reason it has not been recorded, but we took great care to add them at the very end of the episode.
  • No, we did not include Allen Edmonds for different reasons, which we explain in the comment section--a small gold mine of information with already more than 600 comments with some interesting discussions points developing among shoe aficionados.

You can watch the episode below :

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And don't hesitate to participate, in a respectful manner of course, to the great debate in the comment section which has quickly becoming one of the biggest strengths of the channel.

Thank you for your loyalty, your enthusiasm and your active contribution to Sartorial Talks, which just broke the 3 million views bar and 64 000 subscribers!

Cheers! Hugo, Sonya and team.

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